Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Go Picnic

Our summer has been filled with fun and many activities with friends and family who do not eat Gluten Free.  When we are out at the beach or boating it is essential to have snacks for the kiddo's. As we know, when kids are hungry, they're hungry, and they just dig in... not necessarily paying attention to what has been on their hands!  
 When we go out for some summer fun, I always pack Gluten Free snacks and keep everything in a separate cooler or bag to avoid any type of contamination.  This typically works however, there have been times when someone has grabbed a snack... and accidentally contaminated the rest of the bag of goodies.
I was so excited when I recently came across GoPicnic's Gluten Free ready to eat meals...

 For my kids, having a GoPicnic was like having a lunchable.... but much healthier!  There are many different options check it out at http://www.gopicnic.com/

Izzy loves the peanut butter and crackers

Madeleine's favorite is the Turkey Stick Crunch

GoPicnic is the perfect, take it anywhere snack, that is self-contained.... to avoid the possibility of contamination when out with friends and family.

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